Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Sudah Dekat!

The date is getting closer! Gak terasa udah tinggal sebulan lebih aja di sini. Seperti euforia-euforia lainnya, bagi saya sendiri, semangat berangkat itu berbanding terbalik dengan dekatnya tanggal. Misalnya aja setahun lalu waktu lulus SNMPTN. Nah itu selama baru-baru lulus bawaannya pengen cepat-cepat aja ke Bandung. Eh, pas besoknya udah berangkat, bawaannya pengen tinggal aja terus di Medan.

Sama juga dengan kejadian sekarang. Waktu masih bulan-bulan Desember, waktu baru dapat pengumuman, ngarepnya berangkatnya besoknya juga. Tapi sekarang, setelah nunggu dua bulan, jadi kepikiran:
1) Ahh masih mau main-main lagi.
2) Mau jumpa teman-teman di Medan lagi.
3) Mau jumpa sodara-sodara di Medan dulu.
4) Masih mau nikmatin kegiatan-kegiatan di ITB dulu.

Biar teriaknya jadi dramatis..
Selama kuliah semester dua yang banyak cabutnya ini, saya justru makin merasa attached sama teman-teman kampus. Sial. Sama teman-temannya ya, bukan sama matkul-matkulnya yang tambah gila.

Yaudalah, gitulah pokoknya.

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Call From Samantha

Just this afternoon, before I had lunch, I watched the movie 'Her'. Starring Joaquin Phoenix, who I knew nothing about. The only recognizable face in the movie was Amy Adams and her part wasn't that much. But that's not what I want to talk about.

The setting of the movie is a slightly more modern world than ours. The voice command technology was amazing. I tried using my phone's voice command once and instead of opening calculator, which I wanted to do, the phone called someone. But in the movie, the voice command was everything. No one uses keyboard anymore, everything is done through voice. Check e-mails. Delete. Next. Play melancholy song. Play another song. Everything is through voice.

Then again, that isn't also the thing that I want to talk about. Almost forgot, spoiler alert!

A few minutes into the movie, there was a new operating system being introduced in the world. Not Windows, not MacOS, but it was called the OS1. The OS was the first artificially intelligence OS. So anyone that used it only need to command the computer to do whatever he wanted. The protagonist installed the OS and had female voice as his OS. The OS named herself: Samantha.

Since the OS was verrrrryyyyy..... smart (it read a book in 2/100 second), it learned very quickly about many things, more than it should be programmed. Wait! Don't expect it to be like Terminator where the computers rebelled against the humans. No, the computers didn't. Instead of making dangerous robots, the computer and the owner fell in love. Fell. In. Love. With each other. They made love through talking, they were jealous with each other, cried when the other disappeared, just like real lovers.

Watching it just made me sad. There are billions of people, well maybe millions of people in LA (where the story is), yet the protagonist chose an OS. The reason was ehh because she was full of life if I wasn't mistaken. I just can't imagine if this really happens in the future. I guess there is a possibility for this to happen. People in the world have same sex love, inanimate objects love and now there is a chance in the future that people love something invisible. Something programmed.

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Monbukagakusho - Pre-Arrival Information

Kurang lebih seminggu yang lalu, ada informasi baru dari kedutaan mengenai penempatan sekolah bahasa untuk tahun pertama. Saya berharapnya sebenarnya dapat Osaka, soalnya biayanya lebih rendah dan bisa kerja part-time. Di pemberitahuan baru itu ternyata saya dapat sekolah bahasanya di Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. TUFS singkatnya.

Nah kemarin saya dapat e-mail langsung dari pihak TUFS-nya. Nanti, mulai April, saya bakalan belajar di Japanese Language Center (JLC) yang ada di TUFS. Di e-mail kemarin itu mereka nyertain dokumen buat diisi, nanyain nama, panggilan, bahasa ibu, kemampuan bahasa Jepang dan sebagainya. Selain dokumen itu juga ada file .pdf penting mengenai JLC. 

Isinya banyak, dari mulai ngasi tahu apa-apa yang harus dibawa (kayak pas foto, paspor), penjemputan di Narita dari pihak JLC, fasilitas kamar, fasilitas kampus, kantin, sampai harga-harga beberapa makanan pokok. Informasinya lengkap sampai gak ada yang perlu dikhawatirin lagi soal berada di sananya. Handbook ini juga ngasi tahu soal pelajaran-pelajaran yang bakalan saya pelajari di sana. Berhubung saya milih IPA A waktu daftar, jadi saya dapatnya Fisika.

Kebanyakan orang belajar Fisika 6/7 tahun (SMP + SMA + tingkat 1 kuliah), saya dapat tambahan 1/2 tahun lagi. *sigh

Pokoknya begitulah perkembangan terbaru dari dunia per-Monbukagakusho-an. Semoga informasi ini dapat membantu teman-teman yang mau ikut program ini.