Minggu, 23 November 2014

Phases of Living Alone

It's my 8th month living abroad. Time does pass unnoticed, that when I realized it, I've lived here as long as I have lived in Bandung.

Living abroad on your own, hmm.. actually it isn't technically on my own, since I get money every month, so yeah, living here isn't really that hard. Manage the money properly, eat properly, get enough rest, pay monthly bills, for most people it shouldn't really be that hard. But the study, well, it's a different story, it's hard.

So, like every single thing out there, there should be something that can be learned from living here. I know that it has only been 7 months and 22 days, but I've experienced something that I'd call phases of living detached from your everything else (family, old friends, home).

One more thing, it's 100 percent personal experience, I don't know how it is with other people.

1. Happy phase

That feeling of joy upon landing in Narita and the excitement of a whole different life. Living in one of the most advanced city in the world with piles of new experiences waiting for me to try them. Not to mention the actual freedom that I'll be having here, where I'll literally be living without anyone telling me what to do by mouth. Who wouldn't be happy? Someone might not be happy, but I was very happy.

The first few weeks after arriving here was bliss. Lessons were easy, lots of free time, great internet speed, something different to do every weekend. Damn, I miss those days!

But like every single aspect of life, it will come to end, sooner or later.

2. Longing phase

This phase isn't really a problem. This is just a completely natural thing to happen. When you don't meet someone who you used to meet everyday, you surely will miss them. But, you know, with all the current technology, a simple swipe on the phone screen, and you can see and keep in touch with all of them.

Some might say that meeting directly is different, it's not something you can do with phones. Well, sweethearts, you can't have everything in this world.

3. Contemplating phase

This is the most tiresome part of all the phases.

After a few months, the happy parts are slowly disappearing. When the lessons start becoming more difficult, when the burdens I have to face slowly appearing (tests for university), then it's time to spend more time in the bathtub and contemplate on life even more! It doesn't specifically have to be bathtub, I just happened to spend a lot of time there. Come on, hot shower is magical.

So a few points that I usually think about: is it a good decision to come here?
After learning that I may not have what it takes to get the university I want, this thought came repeatedly. 'What if I got thrown to some bad universities?'

Next would be: how would I be doing if I hadn't come here?
This one usually came around when I start checking on my friends and see how they're doing. And what they're doing seemed so fun.

The good thing is, it's over. I may still be contemplating on something, but I no longer question my decision to come here.

4. Accepting phase

As you can see, I'm actually writing about it, so you can say I've accepted most of the terms of living here. And upon accepting it, the life here becomes just simple, usual life.

5 komentar:

  1. Ditunggu fase ketika memasuki Universitas yang diinginkan..

  2. keren banget..... semangat buat kedepannya! semoga mendapatkan universitas yg diinginkan! -anon

    1. btw ini penggemar rahasia yang waktu itu ;) kira2 kapan pengumuman univnya? hehe
