Kamis, 29 Januari 2015


The year of living in Fuchu is coming to an end. Let me list a few things that I 'probably' will miss:
  1. Random knock on the door at night.
  2. Random knocking/bell ringing on other's doors at night.
  3. Doing laundry after 11 pm.
  4. Some clubs doing their morning practice on the field next to the dorm, with their random shouts here and there.
  5. Coming to other people's rooms just because they're turning their AC on.
  6. The whole cafeteria routine. Taking the green tray, lining up, taking the same menu - misoshiru, fish, tofu - as always, paying, filling the tea cups, taking chopsticks, sitting at the usual table, talking with the same people - usually in Indonesian, then returning to dorm at around 00.10 pm for dzuhur.
  7. Seat for maths, physics and chemistry class. 
  8. The distance between school and dorm that lets you get up from bed 10 minutes before class starts.
  9. Class starts at 8.30 am.
  10. Beautiful sunsets visible from room's balcony.
  11. Beautiful sunsets which seem to always differ from day to day.
  12. Free internet.
  13. Convenience store that sells cheap vegetables.
  14. The voice of my neighbor's skyping with his family, or the voice of my other neighbor while he's singing.
  15. Sudden invitation to go to an all you can eat restaurant.
  16. Easily forget to bring homework.
  17. Indonesians' birthday party. Invading birthday boy/girl's room, then eating ice cream together. 
  18. Being a majority.
  19. Sankichi.
  20. ...

The list won't end.

But most of all, I'll be missing the people. The teachers, other students, and even just the random Japanese students who happen to be studying bahasa Indonesia.

'Almost' one year in Fuchu had given me the chance to meet all sorts of people.

From the kind of person that I won't get along with, whatever I do and whatever he does; To the kind of person who doesn't want to eat the oranges that he got for free, just because he doesn't want to peel the skin and get his nails all yellowy; Or the person that I thought would be the riding-horse-or-shooting-arrows-kind, but turns out to be reading the same book as me and watching the same thing as me; Or probably the kind of person who says that Big Four isn't a good book.

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